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The Rhema River

Phenomenal Ones, the only evidence that we need for our faith is the Word of God. The Word of God is the primary foundation upon which our intangibles are becoming (crystalizing into) tangibles. Rhema becomes the river upon which goodness of God manifest for us. We were built like Peter (Matthew 14:22-33) to walk (flow, travel, move) upon the waters with Jesus. The prophetic anointing is available for you, but you must receive the prophet in the name (nature) of the prophet. God sends a word through the prophet, whether in writing or through the speech of a living being. If you are to receive from the prophet Amos, you must recieve from the context of the content by which the he is speaking to you. There is an anointing on every word that comes out of the mouth or pen of the prophets that are ministering to you. You must be commited to the stay in the flow (anointing, smearing and saturating) of the river because the Rhema river is how you get from promise to manifestation. As you are even reading this, you must remember those words that God gave to you over the years. God never lied; you must simply get back on the river until you reach the place of tangibility. Believe only and do not doubt in your heart. You have no reason to doubt God. He always manifests His promises to them that continuely believe on Him. The Father is now increasing and enhancing you, by His mighty power. #WinByFaith #RhemaRiver #PhenomenalOnes #KingdomCulture

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' " John 7:38

Don't take this word lightly. God has made more available to you than you have recently been aware of. These words will serve as an awakening to what God is saying and doing in, through and with you.

In Kingdom Culture,

Dr. Jeremiah C. Hackley


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