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5 Questions that Determine Access Granted or Access Denied

Greetings, Phenomenal One,

In life people, will come to the door of your development and you must be discerning about who gets access and who is denied access. Just as some are godsends, others can be distractions or deceptions to your purpose. We are not always aware at first. Furthermore, if we don't pay attention, we could philosphically or even literally end up sleeping with the enemy. While everyone in your life may not have your best interests at heart, there are some that do. The only way for you to truly know is to do a true evaluation of the company you keep.

The company you keep should literally be seen as a company. If each person in your inner and outer circles were assigned values - not necessarily monetarily - what would they be? Do they drain you? Does this one energize you? Does that one inform you? Does the other stimulate you? Why are people in your space? If you don't clarify why people are in your space you may end up with a wasted life due to their waste of and in your space. The human inventory of your life should include spiritual, psychological, and physical value. If you don't get serious about the people in your space, you will never have any true security or stability. Most people don't fail because of what's within them, they fail because of the input that came from unhealthy and unscrupulous people around them.

I've always said, "Eveyone that comes to you is an amplification of something that is in you." You can't have a relationship with someone that you don't relate to. You must ask yourself, "What in me draws this kind of person or experience to me?" Answering this question could be hard for some and easy for others. We must become aquainted with our spiritual and psychological mirrors. Our spiritual minds are magnets for certain strengths and certain weaknesses. We must know the difference between those who come into our lives for healing versus those who come into our lives as healing. We can't allow transference to turn what should have been a help session into a helpmeet. We have to create levels of access and clearance for the priviledge of our proximity. If we don't, we will waste away. If we do, we will flourish with the proper support system and energy around us.

5 Questions To Determine Access Granted vs. Access Denied

1. Is this person a giver, a taker, or a sharer?

Giver = Expect Nothing in Return

Taker = Expect not to Return Anything

Sharer = Things are Equally Exchanged (to the best of their ability)

2. What part of me is increased or decreased by this person?

Everyone in your life shouldn't be a "Yes" man. The people around you should challenge some muscle within you. But you can ultimately tell by the consistent result they leave you with.

3. What do I compromise for them and complement in them?

In every connection there is room for growth. We must resolve that the dimensions of our standards are flexible in contrast to the dimensions of our standards that are fixed. We must also be clear about what complements both parties mutually. The bond between two people should have some clear reasoning, it shouldn't all be mysterious. Even spiritual value can be assessed by character development and positive outcomes.

4. What do I add to or take away from them?

Remember, relationships are not all about you. The other person needs what you have to give as well. Some people should get your all and some people shouldn't. God is best qualified to receive your all, so make sure that what you are giving them jives with Him. Make sure that you are attentive, awake, and aware to those who surround you. Don't lose good people because you don't give the proper care to those who deserve it. You don't owe anyone anything, but you should be worth something to someone.

5. What kind of future is hidden in the routine of this relationship?

If you keep doing what you are doing, with those you are doing it with, the results can be anticipated. Don't fool yourself. Seedtime and harvest is an eternal principle. The results you get in relationships are directly connected to your routine in relationships. For every action, there must be a reaction from the person and life around you.

#BONUSROUND What is connected to them that is connected to you by default?

Prayerfully these principles have helped. Don't forget to follow us on social media: @drjchackley and @jchackley

In Kingdom Culture,

Dr. Jeremiah C. Hackley

Voice of the Phenomenal Ones

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